Become a Manor & Maker Member

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More about the benefits of being a member:

Ad-Free Videos
As of January 2024, the same videos we put out each week on YouTube, but without ads or sponsorship segments. Login to your membership and go to the My Content page to access the videos.
Newsletter Archives
Access to the backlog of creative ideas and articles sent out to newsletter subscribers. The event announcements will still be on the newsletter only.
Welcome Postcard
Receive one welcome postcard designed by Stephen, signed by us.
Good Karma
Plus of course, the good karma for supporting creators and the preservation of heritage buildings!

Troubadour Benefits Plus:
Everything listed for the Troubadour Benefits, plus we'll add on the following items.
Extra Videos
A minimum of two extra videos a month, with updates on planning and more insider info. Ad-free.
Give us your best advice and guidance on what to tackle next (maybe we'll even be clever enough to take it!).
Quarterly Q&A
Join us once a quarter where we take your questions & do our best to answer them - live! Plus access to the recording afterward. There will be a couple of boundaries on these conversations - the really big budget numbers, and anything health-related will remain private.

Couturier Benefits, Plus:
Everything listed for the Troubadour & Couturier Benefits, plus we'll add on the following items.
Signed Print
Stephen will create an illustration just for Portaitist members each August. We'll send you one signed 8x10 print of that illustration, annually. (There's no minimum membership time for this perk.)
Digital Downloads
Any other digital content we create, you can have - screen wallpapers, wrapping papers, and other great ideas!
Celebration Card
We'll send a card to you (or a gift recipient) once a year. Want us to help you celebrate your birthday? Christmas? Diwali? Hannukah? Pi day? Star Wars day? Just let us know, and we'll send a best wishes card from us to you!
5€Every month- Newsletter Archives
- Ad-free Weekly Videos
- One Signed Welcome Postcard
10€Every month- Troubadour Benefits, plus
- Minimum 2 extra videos per month
- Voting on upcoming projects
- Quarterly Q&A
25€Every month- Couturier benefits, plus:
- One signed print by Stephen, each August
- Digital downloads
- Celebration card of your choosing (holiday or birthday)